Tag: Africa

Taking a bajaji to the post office

I’m discovering, however, what can be accomplished when, stripped of your life vest, you let go of the boat and start to try to swim. From what I can tell, learning how to swim sans lifejackets is where my Tanzanian colleagues are vikings. Today was a perfect example of that.

I won’t cook it, but I’ll order it from Zanzibar

When I told my friend that I was going to Zanzibar yesterday, she asked if I meant the same Zanzibar from the Tenacious D song. I’ll leave out the title, as I know my mom is reading this blog, but the line from the song alludes to a far off place where the crooner would be willing to go to seduce a lady. For me as well, Zanzibar was a far off place I assumed I would never see…until it turned out to be a twenty minute jumper flight away from Dar es Salaam.

Building Houses with Hannah

It always amazes me the similarities I find among JSI people worldwide; I feel the same way frequently when I meet other Brunonians out in the world. There is a quality, a personality trait, I can’t quite put my finger on it–that I find in my fellow colleagues and former classmates. I am reminded how fortunate I am to have studied and work with such smart, passionate, fascinating, and driven people. JSI, for me, is a grown-up extension of my Brown experience, and as long as I have opportunities to travel like this, to get outside of my comfort zone, and see the work from new perspectives, I cannot see how I could ever leave this company.